EVERFITInitial Coaching Consult $60
This will take up to 45min and will be a chance to face to face (or over the phone/skype) and discuss the overall programme plan, and the different methods of putting it into practice. To do this effectively we need to go over short and long term goals, time available for training, the training intensity guide, past athletic history, the importance of a training log (you can't manage what you can't measure), and nutrition. An athlete information sheet will be filled out prior to the assessment to help streamline the process. Please have a read of material on the EVERFIT site to ensure that my values align with yours before getting in touch.
EVERFIT Coaching Plan $37/wk = limited to 5
This includes a detailed customised plan (included in the member section of this site as part of the Training Tilt
You will also have access the EVERFIT coached athlete FACEBOOK page giving you access to weekly training, wellness videos and the ability to ask questions in a supportive learning environment. You will also get fortnightly emails with extra WELLNESS information to allow you to move towards the best version of you.
EVERFIT Program Plan $23.50/wk = limited to 20
Do you want some guidance for an upcoming event or just want some structure to your exercise routine. I offer ongoing programmes after getting to know you with a initial coaching consult. These will be customised to blend with your lifestyle. Catch ups are encouraged every 4-6 weeks for
You will also have access the EVERFIT coached athlete FACEBOOK page giving you access to weekly training, wellness videos and the ability to ask questions in a supportive learning environment. You will also get weekly emails with extra WELLNESS information to allow you to move towards the best version of you.
EVERFIT Membership JUST $1/wk = limited to 50
If you want to be part of the EVERFIT team with closed FACEBOOK access and weekly emails to keep up to date with the latest training, and nutrition information + motivation and inspiration then keep in touch with the basic EVERFIT membership. This is only available if you have had
*ALL EVERFIT athletes will receive $5 discount on EVERY Physiotherapy visit and EVERY pouch of ENDURObeet beetroot powder.
Re-assessment Chat $15 (Coaching) $27.50 (Programme)
A 30min sit down (or phone/zoom/facetime call) to go over new goals, or a different training plan while you are currently coached or are using a programme. Information will be streamlined with a form emailed out before the re-assessment date if required. This will be available for athletes on the coaching and programme plans. I encourage a face to face chat (if possible) every 6 weeks to 2 months.
One on One/Group Coaching Sessions From $85 for a 45min session (By prior arrangement)
This can be a swim, bike, run, gym, education, triathlon or brick session, and can be worked out with an individual or group of athletes. Price depends on numbers/time. The minimum charge will be $50 per session.
WELLNESS Presentation for Groups Call to discuss costings
If you are wanting your
X-terra 21km trail run